Dubuque Invisalign Dentist
Invisalign isn’t just about making your smile look better…
straight teeth are often healthier teeth too!
(actual Invisalign case done by Dr. Kristen Berning)
Teeth that are not aligned properly in the mouth create malocclusion. Malocclusion, in simple terms, means a “bad bite” or a “misaligned bite”. Left untreated, malocclusion can lead to many problems, including periodontal disease. Crowded teeth are harder to keep clean. More food, plaque, and debris can hide where teeth are crowded. And as more bacteria and plaque accumulate, the bacteria start to cause gum disease. Gums bleed more often. As gum disease gets worse, it can start to affect the bone. Then the risk of bone loss around the teeth increases.
Malocclusion also creates abnormal amounts of stress on teeth and jaws, which leads to premature wear. Surveys show that malocclusion affects 74% of American Adults (Journal of Dental Research 2/1996). From teenager to senior citizen, thousands of people have benefitted from a straighter smile thanks to Invisalign or braces.
To learn more about the effects of crooked teeth on your oral health, you can watch this video from Invisalign. This quick 3-minute video that shares exactly what can happen if crooked teeth are left untreated. This video also goes on to discuss the possible medical issues related to malocclusion and misaligned teeth.
It is important to consult with an experienced Invisalign dentist to learn exactly how Invisalign will fit your unique needs.